How Does Sport Influence Hair?

Sport improves the overall health of our body, thus contributing to the proper functioning of hair follicles.  The relationship of sport and capillary health must be understood as a compliment of good, hair care regime in which we wash our hair regularly, use effective hair products and take care of our diet, among other things.

The regular practice of exercise involves a series of processes in our body that effect the health of the hair:

  • Increased Blood Flow – Exercise increases blood flow and vascularity.  This means that the nutrients that the hair follicles need to function properly arrive more quickly and efficiently.
  • Increased Production of Serotonin – Another function of sport in our body is that it has been proven that it reduces stress by increasing the production of serotonin, commonly known as the happiness hormone.  This is highly beneficial for the hair since it reduces the probability of suffering depression or even hair loss which occurs when the person has high levels of cortisol in their body due to stress.
  • Greater Oxygenation of the Scalp – The vasodilation produced by the practice of sport practice makes the scalp better oxygenated, thus improving circulation in the area.  Again, this makes nutrients reach the hair follicles faster., contributing to their strengthening and proper functioning.
  • It Prevents Illnesses – When sport is a habit, certain diseases are prevented that, to a greater or lesser extent, affect the health of the hair. In addition, acquiring a good daily exercise routine usually is a balanced diet.  A bad diet, directly influences the health of the hair, leading to hair loss in cases of nutritional deficiencies. 
  • Elimination of Toxins – Among the benefits of sport for the hair, is the elimination of toxins through sweat.


Benefits of Sport on Hair

Practicing regularly on the hair and what can be achieved at the capillary level if has multiple benefits for physical and mental health.  Consequently, a considerable improvement in the quality of the hair is achieved.  Below, are the benefits of sport and what can be achieved on the capillary level if sport is practiced on a regular basis.

  • Stronger and Shiner Hair – Thanks to increased blood flow, nutrients reach the hair follicles more easily and quickly.  This strengthens the hair, making it grow with greater vitality and shine.
  • Promotes Hair Growth – The oxygenation that occurs in the scalp, as well as the vascularization of the area, encourage hair growth.  In this way, the hair grows healthier and of better quality.
  • Reduces Hair Loss – The decrease in stress levels derived from sports, prevents hair loss due to telogen effluvium or nervous alopecia.  Therefore, if you are going through thinning or hair loss, sport is beneficial to help stop it along with complimenting it with diet. Diet, hormonal changes, styling techniques, prescription drugs and medications can all be causes of hair loss.  Certain medical conditions may be to blame when it comes to hair loss, and it’s even possible to have more than one hair loss condition simultaneously.  We recommend talking to your doctor if you suspect you are dealing with more than one cause of hair loss.


What is the best sport to take care of hair?

The truth is, thanks to sports, along with a good hair care routine, quality hair is achieved that is visibly healthier.  Although any sport is beneficial for health, greater vasodilation occurs in aerobic sports and therefore they are the ones that contribute the most to improving hair health. In this sense opting for any sport concentrating on cardio training are the best options if what we are interested in is the benefits of sports on our hair.  But any sport which contributes to increased blood flow to the scalp is also optimum.


The Ideal Haircare Regime for Sportswomen

Although sports have a wealth of health benefits, but the effects it has on your hair is a completely different story:  greasy locks, brittle lengths and split ends, to name a few.  You can say goodbye to these inconveniences with these hair regimes which specifically caters to a sportswomen’s needs. 

Has the condition of your hair considerably deteriorated since you upped your workout sessions? Sport in itself is not to blame, but rather SWEAT.  Perspiration contains salt, which besides drying out the hair, blocks your pores.  The result: sebum builds up on the scalp and the strands of the hair ends up suffocating. Fortunately, athletes can give a new lease of life to their hair by following the regime below.

  • Wear appropriate hairstyles – Elevate to prevent your hair from rubbing against of the parts of the body prone to producing more sweat.  Pony tails, Dutch braids or Buns will be your best choice, provided they are created using the right accessories. Say good bye to rubber bands which can damage your hair.  Instead opt for cloth scrungies or barrettes.

    TIP:  If you do a sport on a daily basis consider mixing up or hairstyles so that you don’t always tie up your hair in the same way. Changing how you tie up your hair weekly can dramatically save your hair from damage.

  • Pamper your hair after exercise – To get rid of the sweat built up at the roots, you cannot beat washing your hair after a sport session.  Go for products which will purify the scalp and hydrating masks, as perspiration and external damaging factors tend to dry out the hair.  If you play strenuous sports every day, you can of course wash your hair. The only condition is that you use an ultra-mild shampoo and conditioner to prevent damage to the hair fiber.

    TIP: after sports practice avoid a dry shampoo.   Out your hair even more. handy as it might be, it traps perspiration on the scalp, which dries out your hair even more.


  1. Stick to a reputable brand that can address your practice & game day hair needs with a simple streamlined product line. You only need a few key items to maintain a good routine.  Ask your hairstylist for the best products for you!
  2. For quick results, start your process with a weekly pre-wash. It’s a game changer that not only rids the scalp of product build-up, debris and sweat, but it also helps detoxify the scalp allowing your hair to better absorb nutrients to keep it vibrant, manageable and healthy.
  3. Use a shampoo that has the balance of cleansing while providing much-needed moisture and shine.
  4. For a good game-day win use a deep conditioning masque that strengthens the hair.

Beautiful, healthy, hair starts with a healthy, clean and refreshed scalp, but how to get there is another story. From rows and rows of in-store hair care products lining the shelves to being inundated with social media hair potions and pomades, deciding what is best for your hair care routine can make you want to rock a baldie!  Fortunately, consulting with your stylist and using suggested products can take the guess work out by creating a seamless enjoyable ritual that is beneficial for your scalp as it is for your and hair. An easy hair and scalp routine can now be just a few products and pumps away!

If you can find a simple TLC regimen for your scalp, it can become a soul-soothing ritual that relaxes and comforts you, your hair and your scalp.

We spend tons of money on shoes for our feet…taking care of our scalp and hair should be just as important as those stylist shoes for our feet.

Ask your stylist for what is best for you and your hair.  Shiana Hair carries a variety of different products and solutions, at varying prices, for your scalp and hair to start a great haircare regime for you as an athlete. Make your appointment today!